5 Tips On How to Use Hemorrhoid Suppositories for Fast Relief.

A Simple Guide on How to use Hemorrhoid Suppositoties.

Dealing with hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and frustrating, but using hemorrhoid suppositories is a quick and effective way to find relief. Suppositories are small medications you insert into your rectum, where they work to reduce pain, itching, and swelling caused by internal hemorrhoids. In this simple guide, we’ll share easy-to-follow tips on how to use hemorrhoid suppositories properly and maximize their benefits for fast relief. 

Suppositories are small medicines that you put into your rectum (the area just inside your anus). 

They help reduce pain and itching caused by internal hemorrhoids. In this article we will be giving youTips on how to use hemorrhoid suppositories for fast releif.

5 Tips On How to Use Hemorrhoid Suppositories for Fast Relief.
5 Tips On How to Use Hemorrhoid Suppositories for Fast Relief.

How to Use Hemorrhoid Suppositories?

1. Ask a Doctor or Pharmacist

Talk to a healthcare professional before using suppositories. 

They can tell you if it’s the right treatment for you.  

2. How to Prepare Before Using garlic?

- Wash your hands well.  

- Try to go to the bathroom first. This helps the garlic suppository work better.  

3. How to Find the Best Position ?

Lie on your back or on your side with your knees bent toward your chest. 

This makes it easier to insert the suppository.  

4. How to Insert the Suppository?

  • Hold the suppository like a small rocket.  
  • Insert the flat end first and the pointed end last.  
  • If it’s hard to insert, you can use a little petroleum jelly.  
  • Don’t push it too far in.  

5. After Inserting garlic

Stay still for a few minutes to stop the suppository from sliding out. 

It usually takes about an hour to start working.  

Easy Guide for Adults on How to Use a Suppository (Preparation H)

Instructions for Use: Remove the suppository from its wrapper. Insert one suppository into the rectum in the morning, at night, after each bowel movement, or whenever symptoms occur.

How to Insert a (Preparation H) Suppository?

  • Wash Your Hands: Always wash your hands before and after inserting a suppository to prevent infection.
  • Go to the Bathroom First
  • Try to have a bowel movement and empty your bladder before inserting the suppository.
  • Prepare the Suppository
  • Take off the outer wrapper of the suppository. Be quick, as it can melt if held too long in your hands.
  • Find a Comfortable Position
  • Stand with one foot on a chair or bathtub, Or lie on your side with one leg stretched out and the other bent toward your stomach.
  • Insert the Suppository
  • Gently lift the upper buttock to expose the anal area. Insert the pointed end of the suppository first, pushing it in with your finger until it passes the rectal muscle (about 1 inch or 2.5 cm for adults). It should not hurt.
  • Let It Work

After inserting the suppository, lie down or sit still for 10 minutes. This helps it dissolve properly and start working.

Simple and Effective

How to Properly Insert a Suppository

You might think the pointed end of a suppository goes in first, but it’s actually the flat end! Here’s how to do it right:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before starting the process.
  • Suppositories come in different shapes, but they all have one pointed end (like a bullet) and one flat end.
  • Insert the flat end first, leaving the pointed tip last. This allows the suppository to be pushed in naturally by the sphincter muscles.
  • Pro Tip: Wetting the suppository can make it easier to insert.
  • For children, lift their legs gently. For adults, lie on your side in the recovery position.
  • Store suppositories away from heat, as they are delicate medications.

By following these simple steps, you’ll ensure the suppository works effectively and comfortably.

How Suppositories Help for fast relief ?

Suppositories give fast relief from hemorrhoid pain and itching. 

If your symptoms don’t go away, see a doctor for more help.  

For external hemorrhoids (outside the anus) or lumps caused by swollen veins, you can also use a cream with your suppositories.  

How to Prevent Hemorrhoids?

To avoid future hemorrhoids and prevent their occurence, eat foods high in fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

These help make your stool softer so you don’t strain when using the bathroom.  


Hemorrhoid suppositories offer fast relief from the pain and discomfort caused by internal hemorrhoids. By following the steps in this guide, you can ensure safe and effective use. Remember to maintain a healthy diet rich in fiber to prevent future hemorrhoids, and consult a doctor if your symptoms don’t improve. 

With the right care, you can get back to feeling your best in no time!

 If your symptoms get worse or don’t go away, see a doctor.  

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