Can Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Help for Hemorrhoids?

Dealing with hemorrhoids or piles can be frustrating and uncomfortable, leaving many people searching for quick, natural relief.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has become a popular home remedy, praised for its ability to ease piles symptoms like itching and swelling. But does ACV for hemorrhoids really work?

Many people claim that apple cider vinegar can help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms like itching and swelling. However, medical experts caution that there is no scientific evidence supporting this remedy, and it may even cause irritation ([Cleveland Clinic]*

Hemorrhoids: Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help?
 Hemorrhoids: Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help?

Hemorrhoids: Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help for Piles?

Some individuals apply diluted ACV to hemorrhoids, hoping to reduce swelling and discomfort. While ACV has antibacterial properties, experts at [Healthline website] ) warn that its acidity can cause burns and worsen symptoms.

With its natural anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, ACV might seem like a promising option for those suffering from hemorrhoids. 

In this article, we will take a closer look at whether apple cider vinegar for piles can truly help manage symptoms.

Hemorrhoids can cause intense discomfort for those affected. While some medications work, others are less effective. But what about natural remedies like apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids?

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Treat Hemorrhoids?

Apple cider vinegar is often praised as a natural and effective remedy for hemorrhoids, said to reduce swelling and even eliminate inflamed veins quickly. 

Many people believe ACV helps with hemorrhoid pain and itching, but there is no scientific proof.

Experts warn that using ACV for hemorrhoids on the skin can cause irritation or burns. Some cases of burns from apple cider vinegar have been reported.

So, YOU NEED TO DILUTE apple cider vinegar for piles with WATER if you want to apply it to hemorrhoids!

While ACV might help with other issues, it’s not the safest option for hemorrhoid treatment. There are better and safer ways to treat them.

Apple cider vinegar is part of the traditional remedies that can help fight hemorrhoids. 

It is a natural treatment that can be used by taking Sitz baths (mixed with water) or applied directly to the anus using a cotton ball.

For internal hemorrhoids, apple cider vinegar can be consumed by mixing a few drops with water.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are dilated arterio-venous structures located beneath the rectal mucosa, near the anus. It’s normal for the veins in this area to swell slightly during bowel movements. 

However, unlike normal veins, hemorrhoids remain permanently dilated.

Piles can be classified as:

  • Internal hemorrhoids: Located inside the rectum.

  • External hemorrhoids: Found under the skin around the anus.

When Do Hemorrhoids Occur?

Several factors contribute to hemorrhoid development:

  • Chronic constipation due to a low-fiber diet

  • Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle

  • Genetics and poor blood circulation

  • Pregnancy and childbirth

  • Excessive straining during bowel movements

Apple Cider Vinegar: A Natural Remedy?

Grandmother’s remedies and natural treatments are increasingly popular, with A.C.V for hemorrhoids frequently mentioned as a “miracle cure.”

Apple cider vinegar has:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling.

  • Vein-strengthening effects to improve circulation.

There are several ways to use ACV, depending on the type of hemorrhoids.

Treatments for External Hemorrhoids

1. Cotton or Ice Application

  • Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar for piles and gently dab the affected area.

  • If the sting is too painful, dilute the vinegar with water.

  • Repeat 2–3 times daily.

  • Alternatively, mix equal parts vinegar and water, freeze into ice cubes, and use them to massage the area.

  • You should notice a reduction in swelling after a few applications.

2. Sitz Baths

  • Use a small basin or bidet to fully immerse the hemorrhoids.

  • Add one cup of ACV for hemorrhoids to warm or cold water.

  • Soak for 15 minutes, 2–3 times daily.

  • Studies suggest both warm and cold water can provide relief from anal pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Piles: Treating Internal Hemorrhoids

1. Drink a Vinegar Solution

  • Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids in a glass of water.

  • Drink this mixture twice daily—morning and evening.

  • This can also serve as a preventive measure for those with chronic hemorrhoids.

2. Frozen Cotton or Suppositories

  • Freeze a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar for piles and insert it into the anus for 30 minutes.

  • Alternatively, freeze small portions of vinegar and use them as suppositories.

  • While unconventional, these methods allow the vinegar to act directly on the mucous membranes, targeting the inflamed veins.

Final Thoughts

Apple cider vinegar for hemorrhoids has gained popularity as a natural remedy due to its anti-inflammatory and circulation-improving properties. 

However, while many find relief with these methods, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider before trying any new treatment—especially for severe or chronic symptoms.

Looking for natural health boosts? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers good benefits, from better digestion to Weight Loss.


Instead of using ACV, doctors recommend proven remedies such as sitz baths, fiber-rich diets, and over-the-counter creams. 

The [Cleveland Clinic] advises using these methods for effective symptom relief.

Instead of using ACV, doctors recommend proven remedies such as sitz baths, fiber-rich diets, and over-the-counter creams. 

The [Cleveland Clinic] advises using these methods for effective symptom relief.


- Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). *How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids*. Retrieved from [Cleveland Clinic]

- Healthline. (n.d.). *Apple Cider Vinegar for Hemorrhoids: Does It Work?*. Retrieved from [Healthline]

👉 Check out this article to discover 9 ways ACV can make a difference in your routine.

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  • Andy Paras
    Andy Paras 7 février 2025 à 22:47:00 UTC−8

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